Available Sublevel Domains
Other restrictions details
Min Characters per Domain Name
Max Characters per Domain Name
Purely numeric domain
IDN offered
Reserved words list / link
The only valid characters for a domain name are the letters of the alphabet (A-Z), the digits (0-9), and the dash (-). It is not allow letters with accent, nor underlined. There is no distinction between capital letters and lower case letters. The first and last character of the domain cannot be a dash, as well as two or more followed dashes cannot exist. It agrees with internet protocol names, applications and terminologies or domain name terminologies like for example: 1Chttp 1D, 1Cweb 1D, 1Cwww 1D, 1Cftp 1D , 1Ctelnet 1D, 1Cemail 1D, etc. Terms or expressions that are offensive, affect the moral or alter public order or that is opposite to the Law of Ecuador. Applications and terminologies or domain name terminologies like for example: 1Chttp 1D, 1Cweb 1D, 1Cwww 1D, 1Cftp 1D , 1Ctelnet 1D, 1Cemail 1D, etc. See also http://www.nic.ec/eng/politicas/estructura.htm
Name Server registration needed
Zone Preload
Mail Address
Local DNS required
Minimum number of name servers
Maximum number of name servers
Dispute Resolution Policy
Dispute Resolution Policy Link
NIC Registration Agreement