
Available Sublevel Domains   GR, COM.GR, EDU.GR, NET.GR, ORG.GR 
Other restrictions details  None 
Min Characters per Domain Name 
Max Characters per Domain Name  63 
Purely numeric domain  Yes 
IDN offered   
Reserved words list / link   Names of Hellenic geographical locations can only be registered by the Local Government Authority of that location. Also, domain names that can be considered socially unacceptable or insulting are not allowed. See also https://grweb.ics.forth.gr/english/noreg_en.html. 
Name Server registration needed  No 
Zone Preload  Yes 
Mail Address  Yes 
Local DNS required  No 
Minimum number of name servers 
Maximum number of name servers 
Dispute Resolution Policy  GR Regulations 
Dispute Resolution Policy Link  https://grweb.ics.forth.gr/english/1617-B-2002.html 
NIC Registration Agreement  https://grweb.ics.forth.gr/english/1617-B-2002.html